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We want to make the re-enrollment process as user friendly as possible. St. Catharine School is moving to "Continuous Enrollment" for rising 1st - 8th grade students currently enrolled in our school. This improved process assumes that once enrolled, a child will continue their education until graduation from either grade. Since most of our families remain year after year, this will streamline the enrollment process.
All existing PreK-3 and PreK-4 students wishing to advance to the next grade level for the upcoming academic year should complete a registration form.
The yearly, non-refundable enrollement fees will be automatically invoiced to the family's FACTS account for continuing enrollment for rising 1st - 8th grade students. This streamlines the process and ensures a hassle-free experience for our parents.
NOTE: If for any reason these fees are unable to be processed within your FACTS account within 30 days of notice, St. Catharine School can no longer guarantee placement in the upcoming academic year. These families will also incur an increased family fee of $300.
Change in Family Plans
Each enrollment period, parents will be given the opportunity to opt-out of Continuous Enrollment for the following academic year by filling out an electronic form. Whether opting out of continuous enrollment or beginning the withdrawal process, we encourage you to contact the Main Office if there is an issue or concern that we might be able to help with prior to completing the form.
For students who are opting out of Continuous Enrollment and later decide to return for the following academic year, their placement at St. Catharine School will no longer be guaranteed and will be subject to space available in that grade. Families will also need to follow new admissions policies including application and the new family fee of $300.